Making, Designing, & Beyond

HyperDrive Assembly

Product design prototype for 5Wits

HelmetHub for Bike Shares

Startup for helmet dispensing system

It's a Numbers Game

Ice tray that measures shots

Race Car Competition

Designed, machined, and raced

3D Printed Make Ring

Designed as a puzzle game on your hand

First-ever MIT Mini Maker Faire

Founded and organized a first of many


Portable multi-fabrication

Home Renovations

Painting, Tiling, and Building


Burlap and epoxy vase

Stepper Motor Control

Circuits & programming

PCB Manufacturing

Designed, milled, & stuffed

Molding & Casting

Baby's 1st Mobius Bracelet

Optical Hair Measuring Device

Static uniaxial tension test

Energy Representations

Mapping through selfies

Etched Mugs & Flutes

Designed for the holidays

CNC Routing

MIT maze-inspired wall art

Ready? Set. Climb!

Interactive game for stairs


Design & Development